All things house, everything dumpy. A little creative output for me, here's hoping the start of something very exciting.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

About time!

Having spent the last few days with my eyes glued to the computer screen marvelling at other people's blogs, I thought it time to actually start mine!! It is starting with a little glimpse into how I'm spending my spare time at the moment.

So, any great day starts with a visit to my favourite soup curry cafe. This is what they call a 'ladies plate'. Delicious! The cafe itself is incredibly cute and has a slight obsession with ET, I'll be sure to post pictures (other than the blurry one below) of it soon.

This picture was taken on the day my parents came to Sapporo to surprise me for my birthday. I was only aware of their arrival when my husband took me into the cafe for what I thought was a but of birthday cake and instead there was my AWESOME mum and dad! It was an incredible surreal moment and a wonderful few weeks that I'm reminded of everytime I go into Ouchi, But best of all, I'll never ever forget it. Even if I become senile. I promise.

A recent and truly scrumptious discovery is that of the four floor craft wonder that is Kanariya. I can't tell you how much I have been geeking out in here lately, stroking the fabrics and longing for my sewing machine (and patterns that aren't in kanji). Above is the comprehensive tartan section.

Above is one of my favourite fabrics which reads 'Town with history London' and 'There are many showplace'. Engrish never looked so good. The buses make me a little homesick though.

The brilliant alternative to Kanariya (although maybe much worse quality) is the 100 yen shop!! (the equivalent of a pound shop). I am lucky enough to have a five floor one near me, and above is just one of my small loots (This on is for my Christmas card making project).

Now a couple shops on my walk home from Kanariya/100 yen shop, many more to come...

In case you don't know, Sapporo is a very snowy city. Here are a couple pictures to prove it. (Though this is just the beginning)

It's past midnight here and snow is falling outside my window. A better time than any to fall asleep mid-knit. Goodnight x

Saturday, 20 November 2010

A post of introductory substance

This will be my first blog on here, how scary! Not that it will get read for a very long time, not until I've got some posts of substance!

So an introduction is called for...
This is the start of mine and my mother's business venture into all things crafty.
The GOAL of our business is a stupendously and ridiculously wondrous cafe/gallery/craft shop/bookshop/art school. A place of inspiration, refuge, serenity and the solution to present woes. A sparkly place to learn, laugh, and do a whole manner of fantastical things!
This is the goal anyway, and there will be many hurdles before we get there, but be under no illusion. We WILL get there.

At the moment I'm teaching English in Japan and dreaming of the day I'm reunited with my sewing machine and craft box, in the meantime I'm doing a pretty good job at setting up my own sizeable craft box here! So following this post will be a whole host of posts celebrating the wonderful Japanese obsession with crafts. I'm starting to think no one does it better... or cuter than them!

So on that note, I sign off, wide eyed in a knitting frenzy...